Created by Merewife.
OpenBooks is licensed under GPLv3. Show license
OpenBooks contains code from Animate.css. Show license
OpenBooks TV contains elements created by the Network Neighborhood.
OpenBooks Promote uses Javascript from WebTV.
Insert Date Here
July 13th 2016
Introducing the OpenBooks Cyberlounge!
Guestbook link works properly.
Background of Animate.css credits is changed.
July 6th 2016
New NX Design Language
Update looked and feel.
Simplified site navigation.
Removed top toolbar.
Articles has been removed.
Refined shades of blue.
And many other, minor changes.
June 15th 2016
New page design with full screen background.
Sidebar now has links to the Blog, Articles, and Updates page.
The new main page is now available.
OpenBooks TV has been integrated, however, it is yet unfinished.
The dock has been populated with common items.
The back and forward buttons have been moved to the sidebar.
The home button is now centered.
May 14th 2016
Initial preview of OpenBooks NX.
Clock relocated to underneath the sidebar.
Dock added.
System bar added.
Updates page now displays current OpenBooks Framework version.
Forked to create OpenBooks Framework 4.
OpenBooks NX is no longer open source.