Welcome to Neocities' original web portal. OpenBooks lets you dive in to the Open Web, the side of the internet created by people like you and me, rather than corporate algorithms. More about OpenBooks
OpenBooks is created by Coyote Reyne, a digital artist passionate for the visual styles of the mid-late 2000s and the DIY internet culture surrounding it. More about Coyote Reyne
The core of OpenBooks is open source, meaning anyone can contribute to it, or use parts of it in their own websites, as long as credit is given. Contribution information
This is an early milestone of OpenBooks 11's development. Many features are still incomplete, and you may find some things aren't working as expected.
OpenBooks 11 Milestone 1 — The first public beta of the fully reloaded OpenBooks 11 is here.
OpenBooks 10th Anniversary Retrospective — Coyote Reyne shares the history of OpenBooks, the Network Neighborhood, and more.
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