About OpenBooks
OpenBooks 8 Series
Version Information
OpenBooks 8 Series - 8.3.3 'Tigwire' full changelog
Last updated: July 3, 2019
© 2014-2019 Delta Hart, network2
This website is provided as a service with absolutely no warranty.
See the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, for details.
Selawik typeface by Microsoft use under the SIL open font license.
See our humans.txt file for information.
Your portal to Neocities.
OpenBooks was founded in 2014 as the personal site of Delta Hart, but over time has evolved into a community hub for the Neocities community.
Currently, OpenBooks aims to expand its current search and directory services to further serve the Neocities userbase.
OpenBooks is a product of Network2.
About network2
Network 2 (stylized as network2) is a group of people making websites with the goal of keeping the static web alive. We aim to do this by publishing static websites of our own, and supporting the webhosts that cater to us, such as Neocities.
Learn more about network2 on its Neocities page.
About Delta Hart
OpenBooks was started by Delta Hart, aka Merewife, in late 2014. They grew up surrounded by the early 2000s web and aim to recapture that with OpenBooks. When not designing this site, Delta also makes music under the Merewife alias and is a freelance graphic designer. More about me.
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